App Privacy Policy

We do not share any information with third parties.
We don’t have the notion of an “account” in the traditional sense. Rather this is an extension of texting. Whoever has access to that phone number can send invites only to the people on their contact list. Because this is a messaging app, we don’t need any personal information and we don’t monitor or curate content.
The only information we collect and store on our server is the information you enter in the app. This includes the Event information, the contacts you added to the event, and any comments you make on an event. The information is not persisted outside of that event.
If you “Reset Account” all information you have entered will be cleared from the system. To do this you simply have to provide your phone number again and enter in the auth code.

If you “Delete Account” the account will be cleared from the system.

We are planning on eventually doing an update where we allow for “public” events, where people will have visibility to an event based on location. But that is not currently implemented or used.

For more information related to the legal aspect of our data see our Terms of Service
Terms Of Service